To best utilize this offer comparison tool, it is suggested that you have your most current utility bill available for reference. Compare the supplier offers contained in the chart with the "Price to Compare" shown on your electric bill.
Duke’s residential “Price to Compare” for the generation supply portion of your bill for the period of November 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 is $0.0818/kWh.
EDU Chart Archive
45 Records Found
PO Box 65764Dallas,TX 75262-0764
(833) 200-9831
Company Url
Offer Details
54 State Street Suite 804 #7818Albany,NY 12207
(877) 724-9010
10601 Belcher Rd SSeminole,FL 33777
(888) 669-2365
410 Main StreetBuffalo,NY 14202
(855) 998-9283
1321 Upland Dr #19675Houston,TX 77043
(888) 865-3402
1 mo.
PO Box 180Tulsa,OK 74101
(855) 355-3733
601 SW 9th Suite FDes Moines,IA 50309
(888) 565-4490
1 Riverside Plaza20th FloorColumbus,OH 43215
(866) 935-5541
25166 Marion AveSuite 113Punta Gorda,FL 33950
(866) 360-1461
901 Main Street STE 4700Dallas,TX 75202
(800) 746-4702
6555 Sierra DriveIrving,TX 75039
(833) 277-8471
601 SW 9th StreetSuite FDes Moines,IA 50309
30 Wall Street, 8th FloorNew York,NY 10005
3 Columbus Circle, 15th FloorNew York,NY 10019
(866) 234-8184
10601 S Belcher RdSeminole,FL 33777
6100 Emerald ParkwayDublin,OH 43016
(800) 280-4474
1 Tower Lane, Ste. 300Oakbrook Terrace,IL 60181
(877) 808-1022
1930 Marlton Pike East, Suite N73Cherry Hill,NJ 08003
(844) 277-7517
Printing only applies to offers which have the checkbox selected under the "click to compare" column header. Filtering applies to XML and CSV export files.