With the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s innovative tool you can easily compare prices, contract terms and other plan differences.
Q: Is every Ohio electric and natural gas consumer eligible for choice?
A: No. Members of co-ops, customers participating in energy assistance programs such as Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) or customers of municipal power systems are not eligible for the choice program.
Q: If I switch suppliers, who do I call during a power outage?
A: Although the choice program gives you the freedom to choose your electric or natural gas supplier, your local distribution company does not change. In the event of a power outage or gas related issue call your local distribution company.
Q: What happens if I want to end my contract early?
A: It’s important to know what your supplier’s early termination policy is before signing up. If you do choose to end your contract early, there may be a termination fee. Make sure you read and understand your contract before signing up with an energy supplier. For a list of questions to ask your energy company and some other things to consider, click here.
Q: Do I have to choose a new supplier?
A: Energy choice is an opportunity — not a mandate. If you do not choose a new supplier, you will still receive the same reliable electric and natural gas service. Although you are not required to shop, the PUCO suggests using our Apples to Apples comparison charts and determine if switching suppliers is right for you.
Q: If I choose a new energy supplier, am I guaranteed to save money?
A: No, there is not a guarantee. Many Ohioans decide to shop in order to save money; others value the certainty that comes from a fixed rate plan; and some switch to providers that will make a greater investment in renewable products. Check out our Why Switch? page to learn more about the different products available to you as well as more information on how to use free tools, available through the PUCO, to compare offers.
Q: Is there a certain date I have to choose a supplier by?
A: There is no deadline to choose a supplier, and if you don’t make a choice you will still receive the same reliable service through your local distribution company. While there is no deadline to switch, our Apples to Apples chart is regularly updated by companies with new offers, so the offers available today may not be offered in the future.
Q: I just received a call from a company that I do not recognize offering me a rate on my electric or natural gas service; how can I tell this is a legitimate offer?
A: All energy marketers and suppliers are required to be certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. In order to be certified, companies are required to meet the PUCO’s strict financial, managerial and structural guidelines. To find out if a company has met these guidelines, check out the PUCO’s list of certified suppliers.
Q: If I sign up with a new supplier, will I be treated differently by my local distribution company?
A: Absolutely not. If your power goes out or you need assistance from your local distribution company, you will still receive the same reliable service. In addition, even though you are selecting a new supplier for your energy, you are still making the same investment in your community’s transmission and distribution infrastructure.
Q: What happens if my supplier goes out of business, or has other issues providing service?
A: Ohio law requires your local distribution utility to act as a “provider of last resort.” This means if your supplier goes out of business, or is otherwise unable to meet its supply commitments, your utility will ensure electricity or natural gas service remains uninterrupted.